Work With Us

Work With Us

Collaborate with Naaree and SHEROES is one of the top blogs for women in the world and is part of the SHEROES family. SHEROES is a women-only social network platform and an app-based social media network for women with over 20 Million Registered Users.

SHEROES is building the women’s Internet as a safe, constructive space for women offering resources, opportunities, and utilities like the counselling helpline and content, besides peer-to-peer conversations and communities.

November 2019 saw the addition of 26 million women Internet users, with urban women users accounting for 40% and rural users at 30%, the latter being the fastest-growing demographic. As these numbers grow, SHEROES is building its product to serve diverse needs, aspirations and goals of women.

Based on real-time data, the SHEROES app is continually innovating around its core pillars of nurturing identity, connections, mental health and physical well-being, and financial independence, via high empathy, trust and constructive engagement, at the heart of the ecosystem.

The COVID-19 lockdowns have impacted women in unique, universal ways, leading to spikes in conversations on the SHEROES counselling helpline, health communities, and skilling/ entrepreneurship communities have seen a rise in specific discussions.

Both SHEROES and have responded with on-theme content, utilities, expert sessions, workshops and other tools to support the real needs of women.   Based on pillars of TRUST, EMPATHY, and VALUE, SHEROES has created a safe and constructive space for over 16 Million Women to come together as communities.

SHEROES communities enable user-generated conversations ranging from creative, career, love, parenting, fun, trending news, spirituality, health & hygiene, relationships, parenting, cooking, fashion & lifestyle, home decor and a lot more.

The SHEROES platform has a section called articles, which has easy-to-consume awareness pieces on underserved topics such as the legal rights of domestic abuse survivors, stigmatized health topics, and financial literacy, to fun content.

All the articles listed there are curated by experts and fill a gap existing in most women’s publications. Core categories include health, food, remote work from home, entrepreneurship, women’s rights & legal information, and relationships.

The platform has also focused on building its three revenues streams -SHEROES’ B2B unit Managed Remote Solutions (MARS) and  brands business.

The SHEROES platform along with other network products such as Maya, Babygogo, MARSbySHEROES, SHEROESMoney, aims to emerge as the world’s most transformative women’s network, with a vision to touch the lives of 100 million women by 2023.

Learn how Brands are using the SHEROES platform to engage with our community. Talk to real women by building your brand profile and launching an exclusive community on SHEROES.

Here are some options we offer brands and advertisers:

Ladies, looking for work from home in India?

Need free counselling on any topic?

Love to cook? Share your recipes with the SHEROES community? Click here to submit recipes online.

Want to outsource your business processes?

Connect at MARSbySHEROES.

Want a sponsored post on Naaree or

If you want us to help you build your brand and reach millions of women readers, or collaborate in other ways, please send an email.



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