
Ayurvedic Treatment For PCOS At Home (Plus Yoga For PCOS Treatment In Ayurveda)

Ayurvedic Treatment For PCOS At Home (Plus Yoga For PCOS Treatment In Ayurveda)
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Need ayurvedic treatment for PCOS at home? Learn all about PCOS treatment in Ayurveda and yoga for PCOS. Find out if ayurvedic medicine for PCOS or the PCOS diet works.

What is the best ayurvedic treatment for PCOS at home? Does yoga for PCOS work? And what is the best diet for PCOS weight loss? Is ayurvedic medicine for PCOS part of the protocols for PCOS treatment in Ayurveda?

This article will answer the question, “Can Ayurveda cure PCOS?” and introduce you to Folk Fitness’ PCOS cure in Ayurveda.

What is PCOS?

According to medical experts, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder in women that causes enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges.

Studies put the prevalence in India of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women of reproductive age between 9.13% to 36% and the prevalence of PCOS among adolescent and young women in Mumbai at 22.5%.

Symptoms Of PCOS

While a medical diagnosis of PCOS does require a visit to your gynaecologist, the symptoms of this hormonal disorder can include menstrual irregularity, excess hair growth, acne and obesity.

Women may experience abnormal menstruation, absence of menstruation, heavy menstruation, irregular menstruation, short and light menstruation, or spotting as a result of PCOS.

Obesity or weight gain can also be a symptom, as well as acne or oily skin. PCOS can also cause infertility, insomnia, pigmentation, facial hair growth, masculine features, diabetes, heart ailments, scalp hair loss and depression.

PCOS and acne

PCOS is one of the main causes of acne in older women. PCOS and other hormonal conditions can create an excessive amount of testosterone within the body. This might increase sebum and skin cell production, resulting in acne.

There are two reasons for this:

  1. Increase in male hormones like testosterone, because of insulin resistance and weight gain.
  2. Inflammation caused by stress, anger and inflammatory foods that cause acne.

Watch our video explaining the reasons behind acne caused by PCOS.

PCOS and diabetes

Women with PCOS have a higher chance of developing insulin resistance, or dysfunction of cells to detect insulin which increases the chances of diabetes. Gestational diabetes (diabetes when pregnant) puts the pregnancy and baby at risk and can lead to type-2 diabetes later in life for both mother and child.

Type-2 diabetes happens when the cells of the body become resistant to insulin, an unusual amount of insulin is made, or both. While type-2 diabetes is typically manageable through physical exercise and a proper diet, research shows that PCOS is a solid independent risk factor for developing diabetes.

Understand the link between PCOS and gestational diabetes in this video.

PCOS and heart disease

Having PCOS can increase a woman’s chances of getting heart-related complications and put her at risk for a heart attack or stroke.

This is because of increased levels of insulin that are related to PCOS heart disease symptoms and are known to extend one’s risk for elevated triglycerides, low levels of HDL, high cholesterol, blood pressure, and atherosclerosis.

Learn how PCOS increases the chances of heart disease in women in this video.

PCOS and infertility

PCOS negatively affects fertility because women with the condition cannot ovulate or release an egg. This condition can cause an overproduction of estrogen by the ovaries, which is the main reason behind disrupted ovulation.

As ovulation doesn’t occur, your periods become irregular and increased levels of hormones like testosterone may affect a woman’s egg quality, inhibit ovulation, cause insulin resistance, and increase dangerous disorders like gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

So, can a woman with PCOS get pregnant without PCOS infertility treatment? Is there any natural PCOS treatment? Watch this video to learn more.

PCOS and fatigue

Does PCOS cause fatigue and low energy? Yes, and the mechanism that’s causing the fatigue i.e. high-stress hormones, blood sugar rollercoaster, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies, is likely also causing your hormonal imbalance.

The result is that you’re going to feel hangry, shaky and jittery and often then very fatigued. In the video below, you’ll learn natural ways to beat PCOS fatigue.

PCOS and facial hair

Abnormal hair growth, especially facial hair growth, is one of the most indicative symptoms of PCOS. The medical term for this condition is hirsutism. Although not all women with PCOS have it, for those that do, it can be one of the more embarrassing symptoms of PCOS.

Are you frustrated with the thick hair on your face and body and are spending a lot of money on hair removal treatments like waxing and laser treatment? Do you want to know how to stop facial hair growth due to PCOS naturally and find effective home remedies for PCOS facial hair?

To understand how to deal with this distressing symptom, watch this video to understand the root of unwanted hair or hirsutism.

PCOS and hair loss

To understand how to reduce hair loss due to PCOS, we need to understand why hair loss happens in this condition. Hair loss in PCOS is due to a hormonal imbalance because of the increase in male hormones in our body, which get attached to our hair follicles causing hair loss.

The answer to the question of how to reduce hair fall in PCOS is to work on our lifestyle and get our hormones in balance. Any external hair treatment is a superficial treatment, so we need to work on the root cause of PCOS hair loss.

PCOS and sleep apnea

Women with PCOS often report problems such as insomnia or poor sleep. There are many factors that can affect sleep, but PCOS has been linked to a sleep disorder called sleep apnea.

With sleep apnea, a person will stop breathing for short periods of time during sleep. This disrupts sleep and impacts oxygen delivery to the body. Sleep apnea can lead to lower pain tolerance, high blood pressure, mood changes, heart disease, and increased weight.

Do you want to know how to sleep better with PCOS or how to fix PCOS insomnia? Let’s first understand the connection between PCOS and sleep apnea.

Ayurvedic Treatment For PCOS At Home

What are the causes of PCOS? And does natural PCOS treatment require diet and lifestyle changes? Medical treatments for PCOS include birth control pills to regularise periods, hormones to increase fertility, and hair removal procedures to remove the excess body and facial hair.

Your doctor may also prescribe medication to prevent diabetes that commonly occurs along with this disorder and statins to control high cholesterol.

While we know what PCOS is, we are often unable to understand what the underlying causes are, or the methods to manage it. Since we consider it to be a medical condition, we rarely attempt simple and natural ways to manage this lifestyle condition.

In our view, PCOS is a disorder of the Endocrine System which is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and this disorder can be reversed by ayurvedic treatment for PCOS at home that addresses lifestyle-related root causes.

Based on our research and collaboration with medical and non-medical experts, we’ve identified 5 pillars for this reversal approach:

  1. Eat Right
  2. Move More
  3. Breathe Aware
  4. Sleep Better
  5. Be Mind Free
Ayurvedic Treatment For PCOS At Home (Plus Yoga For PCOS Treatment In Ayurveda) 1
MM Medic

Is PCOS treatment in Ayurveda effective?

So, is Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS effective? Yes, Ayurveda is a strong foundation of the program curated by Folk Fitness, and we also leverage the best of other protocols.

We have worked diligently with yoga and ayurvedic experts, Dr Kedar Pargaonkar and Dr (Mrs) Asmita Pargaonkar, to create a program that is effective and also easy, convenient and fun for women to adopt as a new way of being.

The ayurvedic treatment for PCOS we have curated has factored in feedback from our women’s community and has helped thousands of women reverse their PCOS condition naturally.

So, when we get questions such as “Homeopathy or Ayurveda – which is better for PCOS?” we share reversal stories from many different protocols. You can call it an all-natural meta approach to holistic reversal.

In addition, you can take this ayurvedic treatment for PCOS at home, as this is an online program that women can follow comfortably from home in any part of the world.

Which is the best ayurvedic medicine for PCOS?

We often get questions about which is the best ayurvedic medicine for PCOS in India, but we don’t prescribe any ayurvedic medicine for PCOS in our reversal program, as it is 100% natural and holistic approach.

So, is Shatavari good for PCOS? Yes, certain ayurvedic remedies are known to be effective e.g. Shatavari benefits for PCOS are well-known, and we recommend Shatavari powder for PCOS in our Detox 2 protocol.

We also safely recommend turmeric milk for PCOS, as per our Eat Right protocol. However, we do not recommend any ayurvedic medicines, syrups or tonic such as Patanjali Medicine, Safi, Hempushpa, Ashokarishta or M2 Tone Syrup for PCOS.

best diet for PCOS belly fat

PCOS and diet

We often get asked what PCOS diet do you recommend or what is the best diet for PCOS belly fat and weight loss and whether a vegan diet helps.

We don’t believe in and support the diet culture. Have you ever known any other animal having thousands of different diet plans? They naturally eat what is right for them.

Another question women often ask is, what are the best PCOS snacks to eat. But the concept of ‘Snacks’ is modern conditioning and not one we subscribe to.

We follow the Eat Right principles as per Ayurveda, which talks about the principles of Mitahara (i.e. eat in moderation) & Ritucharya (i.e. eat seasonal foods).

In our Eat Right protocol, there is the right food consumed as per your biological clock timings with the right balance of tastes and nutrients. Our intention is for women to embrace the kitchen and ditch diets.

The focus of the Eat Right pillar is to get the toxicity out of the kitchen and introduce the right nutrients in the food being cooked. When the body is getting the right nutrients as per its biological timing, it is satiated and healthy.

If you’re looking for a diet plan for PCOS in Hindi, you can have an expert conversation on Eat Right with our ayurvedic doctors in Hindi. We also have dedicated Freedom Partners (Wellness Mentors) for the women in our program to guide and support them 1-on-1.

Creating a healthy kitchen

Kitchen storage containers can play an important role in PCOS or PCOD-like conditions. Plastic containers may be one reason behind the hormonal imbalance in women because they release hormone disrupting chemicals.

Teflon-coated non-stick pans, aluminium utensils and aluminium foil should also be avoided. Watch the videos below to understand how healthy kitchen habits can help you get rid of PCOS easily and effectively.

Does yoga help in treating PCOS?

Yes, yoga helps in treating PCOS, and we recommend that you practise these yoga asanas regularly as part of our ayurvedic treatment for PCOS at home, as they are especially good for PCOS.

Here is the complete list of yogasanas for PCOS:

So, is Ayurveda effective for PCOS and can PCOS be cured permanently with Ayurveda? Yes, as long as you implement these lifestyle changes.

Connect with us at Folk Fitness’ to learn more about our ayurvedic treatment for PCOS at home and benefit from our protocols for PCOS treatment in Ayurveda.

Author bio:

Aarti Pandey is the Co-Founder of Folk Fitness, a Celebrity fitness expert, mentor and influencer. Folk Fitness is proud to be delivering wellness solutions inspired by the richness of Indian culture coupled with the effectiveness of science.

Their mission is to create freedom from PCOS for women by providing an easy, convenient, effective and fun ayurvedic treatment for PCOS at home developed with wellness and medical experts. You can follow Folk Fitness on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.



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Ayurvedic Treatment For PCOS At Home (Plus Yoga For PCOS Treatment In Ayurveda) 2

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