
How To Charge What You’re Worth And Get It

How To Charge What You’re Worth And Get It
SHEROES Work From Home Opportunities

Have you ever wanted to raise your fees – but felt totally scared to do it? Here’s how to charge what you’re worth and get it.

Have you ever wanted to raise your fees – but felt totally scared to do it?  You’re not alone! The first time I sold a high-end package, I was just out of coach training. I barely had any coaching experience.

Even though I knew I knew my stuff (I’d been doing the marketing thing for a while), and I knew I was smart and really cared about my peeps… I had a serious case of the Fraud Factor.

Who the heck was I? How did I really know I could help clients get results?

(The problem was that I’d given my mentor my word – in front of nearly 40 people! – that I’d sell a program at a significantly higher fee than I’d ever charged. I couldn’t back out even if I wanted to!)

When I finally got out of my own way and really thought about what was triggering me so much about raising my fees… I realized that my discomfort around charging those fees actually had less to do with deserving (“am I really good enough?”) and more to do with alignment.

I realized that some of the habits I had around money simply didn’t jibe with the high-end coach I was quickly becoming.

Truth is if you’re engaging in money behaviours such as…

• Discounting (either offering or caving in when asked)
• Assuming people can’t pay or deciding in advance what they can pay
• Taking on “heartsink clients” (your heart sinks when you work with them)
• Not following up on declined payments and clients who owe you money
• Owing vendors money without a payoff plan
• Bartering your services

… and other disempowering money actions, it’s very difficult to ask for and receive higher fees. It’s like your heart and spirit know that something is “off”… even if you don’t realize it consciously.

Cleaning up even just one or two “money leaks” is going to give you a feeling of personal power and confidence that simply wasn’t there before.

Why? Because when you’re in alignment, you feel better about yourself and what you’re doing. It’s easier to ask others to invest with you because you are BEING a coach, healer or practitioner who takes her business and her money life seriously.

Try this…

The next time it’s time to raise your fees (like, say, right now 😉 ), instead of going to that icky place of “am I good enough / experienced enough / ready enough,” try a different question. Ask yourself,

“Where am I giving up my power with money in my life or business?”

Remember, you don’t have to be perfect (nor do you have to wait to clean up every money leak) to raise your fees – just take the first step and then the next.

Your clients will feel it, you’ll hear more yeses… and next thing you know, asking for and receiving more will feel as natural as passing the salt!

Elizabeth Purvis is the Mentor to conscious women & die-hard Northern Girl. Creatrix of Feminine Magic® and Goddess Business School®.

How To Charge What You're Worth And Get It

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