
Jobs For Indian Women: Employment Opportunities Are Abundant

Jobs For Indian Women: Employment Opportunities Are Abundant
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Recent surveys have shown that top jobs in the corporate world elude women for various reasons, whether social, economic, or cultural. It has been observed that most women are not satisfied with their jobs in corporate setups, some because of discrimination, some are underpaid.

However, the same women are not keen on leaving the organization because of the stability that it offers and the need to have a career along with their personal lives. Jobs for women are not scarce today. Women have proved that they can handle any job in the corporate world skillfully and confidently.

More Employment Opportunities, More Responsibility

Until the mid-90s, jobs for women in India meant either teaching, banks or back office jobs. It is in the last decade that the corporate sector has seen a huge increase in the number of women taking on more responsibilities.

Chanda Kochhar, the CEO & MD of ICICI Bank, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, CMD, Biocon,and Naina Lal Kidwai, Country Head, HSBC are glowing examples of what Indian women can achieve in the corporate world.

Women are seen to be less aggressive than men, and this becomes a hindrance to their ascent. However, as more and more exemplary stories are being scripted, the opportunities are also increasing.

Human Resource is an area where one can see a lot of women in mid as well as top-level jobs. It is estimated that 60% of HR employees across industries are women.

Advertising and Corporate Communications are also popular choices among women. While women seek professional fulfilment in their careers, the need to balance their family lives with work drives them to look for options which have a certain amount of flexibility.

Another very important sector where women have made their mark is Information Technology. 30% of the workforce in the IT industry in India is constituted by women; they have been innovators, developers, and many a time, the driving force.

Google, in its effort to encourage women to excel and become leaders in creating technology, has initiated the “Google India Women in Engineering Award”.

Aimed at female undergraduate, graduate and PhD students in the field of Computer Engineering, it is an award to recognize academic excellence, passion for technology and leadership skills.

Jobs for women in the Finance and Banking sectors have also considerably increased in the last five to ten years, although it is still dominated by men.

Success in this field requires long working hours and consequently more stress. However, companies now have policies in place to retain good talent.

Corporate Law is a great option for women who seek to make it big in the corporate sector, rather than practising law. Options are abundantly available in India for women who dream of making a mark for themselves.

While family support, an empathetic spouse, and great company policies are added bonuses, continue to build skills, and be assertive.

Be aware of discrimination, and report it if it happens, but don’t let it affect your career. Walk tall and confident, you will realize your dream.

© Naaree.com

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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