Looking for real online work-from-home jobs without investment? Here are some genuine online jobs without investment that let you work from home and get paid.
Why are there so many women looking for work from home online jobs without investment? Due to the coronavirus lockdowns, many companies have been forced to lay off workers and are now looking to outsource many genuine work-from-home jobs.
For Indian women and housewives who had to choose family over their careers, the growing reach of the internet has provided new opportunities in the form of remote jobs and online part-time jobs from home.
Today, there are many excellent reasons to work from home for housewives and stay-at-home mums considering working from home with a baby and many of them are looking for free online work-at-home jobs.
Whether it involves protecting yourself from contagion, spending more time with your kids, enjoying greater flexibility at work, or avoiding office politics, finding home-based work is the tricky part.
So, if you want to start your work-from-home career with online jobs in home lockdown, this is the right time to get back into the workforce, create your own identity, and achieve financial independence with online part-time jobs.
There are many remote job boards where you can find jobs online from home. Most of these are part-time jobs from home for housewives and moms looking for a second career or genuine online jobs for students.
If you’re determined to find home-based work and willing to learn new skills, you can find many freelance online jobs without investment, full-time work-from-home jobs for housewives, or online part-time jobs from home.
Several companies in India and abroad hire remote employees for online jobs without investment. By choosing the right work from home jobs for women, you can enjoy the freedom and flexibility of working at home at convenient times for you and your family.
How To Avoid Work-From-Home Scams
Many scammy websites claim to help you find work-from-home jobs in India without investment. But the truth is that very few of these so-called work-from-home online jobs without registration fees are genuine part-time home-based jobs.
Some of these companies claiming to help you earn money from home without investment are multi-level marketing schemes while others are outright scams that will waste your time, take your money and leave you high and dry.
So, if you’re looking for online jobs without investment, the most important thing to remember is to do your due diligence before you trust any company that offers part-time work-from-home jobs without investment.
Learn how to tell the scams from real online jobs. It is better to spend some time and effort to do your research and find legitimate and genuine work-from-home jobs without investment than to be on the rough end of a scam.
When you find a company advertising free online jobs without investment and registration fees, take your time to properly assess all their online home jobs to ensure they are trusted online jobs.
Be wary of any company that promises you lots of money with very little effort. They are not likely to offer you a genuine home-based online job.
In fact, these “get rich quick” schemes will leave you poorer, whether in terms of time wasted or money and opportunities lost. So, if you stumble upon a get-rich-quick website, hit the back button as fast as you can!
When researching legitimate home-based online jobs without investment, the best way to determine if a particular opportunity is a potential scam is to search for the name of the program or company along with the word “scam” and see if anyone has posted negative reviews about the company.
Also, check the testimonials of remote workers who found genuine online jobs for girls with that company and the clients who have employed them. For example, MARS by SHEROES has clients that include big names such as Bira, Zomato, Paytm, Delhivery, and CureSkin.
They will help you get certified as a remote professional so you can apply for legitimate remote work in various roles – including customer service, lead generation, remote sales jobs, content creation, and more.
Arundhati Shewade, a Certified MARS Partner who found legitimate, remote work from home for women in India, states:
You’ve probably come across many money-earning apps that offer online home-based work or easy work from home with micro jobs online, such as survey at home jobs or gaming jobs.
Now, even though these may be real online jobs, the amount of money you earn with these online part-time jobs in India may not be sufficient to pay your bills or create financial independence.
Some work-from-home options may be genuine, like data entry work at home, but you need to be careful of which company you join and read their work-from-home contracts carefully so that you don’t end up having a bad work-from-home experience.
What You Need To Find Online Jobs Without Investment
Remember there’s no shortcut or trick to make money online. If you’re looking for genuine work-from-home jobs, you will need some skills and/or work experience or be prepared to reskill or upskill yourself to take on online part-time work.
Just as managed remote work companies like MARS by SHEROES require you to get certified as a remote worker before you get hired, the perfect online jobs vacancy you’re looking for may only be available on remote job boards that charge a fee.
You must be willing to invest time, effort, and money in reskilling or upskilling to get access to the best online jobs from home. Learning the latest skills that employers are looking for will help you earn more money online with the best online work-from-home jobs.
The good thing is that today it’s possible to learn almost anything free online thanks to the growth of online education and online courses.
For instance, you can actually become a certified digital marketing professional free and learn almost every subject through videos on YouTube and online courses on sites like Coursera.
So, if you’re not willing to invest money, then you may have to invest time and effort searching for work-from-home jobs without investment and it could take you months to do this on legitimate job boards.
Another thing you could do to find genuine online jobs without investment is to get some work experience by way of an online internship. This option is especially suitable for students looking for their first job after college or housewives who want to return to the workforce.
A lot of people think that online work-from-home without investment means computer work-from-home jobs, but there are work-at-home jobs for everyone, from consultants to writers to website designers.
Some real work from home jobs without investment include customer service, recruiting, sales, technical jobs, writing jobs, work-from-home art jobs, and even work-from-home lawyer jobs.
You could start working as an employee of a company and provide customer service for them, or work as a home-based insurance agent and sell life insurance policies that will earn you a passive income.
It’s not hard to find online jobs without investment today, but only you can decide on the most suitable work-from-home job for you.
How To Find Online Jobs For Students
Is it possible to find work from home for students? Yes, there are many online jobs for students to earn money, including online jobs for 12th pass students.
Since most students don’t have a source of income, they tend to look for free online jobs without investment and registration fees.
Online tutoring is one of the best online jobs for students from home. Toppers who are good at explaining subjects like math and science to other students can find online math tutor jobs or online teaching jobs in India.
Other online jobs from home for students include freelance jobs, such as online programming jobs, video editing, social media marketing, or content writing jobs online. Even while you’re studying in college, you can find free online jobs for students without investment.
Whether you possess the skills or not, there are many legitimate online jobs without investment from home for students, moms, housewives, or anyone willing to put in the hard work and commitment.
21 Real Online Jobs Without Investment
Looking for real online jobs from home without investment in India? You can work online from home and get paid with this list of online jobs without investment.
Based on your skills, abilities, and willingness to learn and adapt, you can surely find the right work-from-home jobs without investment in this list of online jobs.
1. Financial Consultant Jobs
One of the best work-from-home jobs without investment for women in India is becoming a financial consultant or insurance broker.
If you’re looking for housewife jobs or online jobs from home with no experience, this is a great option for you, especially if you’re only 10th pass or don’t have a degree.
There are many benefits to a financial consultants job for moms and older women, as young people are more likely to take advice on finance and investing from someone mature and experienced.
Also, there are many reasons why women make the best financial advisors. You can learn how to become a financial consultant or insurance broker after free training with an insurance company and find work-from-home insurance jobs in India.
2. Freelance Writing Jobs
Freelance writing jobs from home are some of the most coveted free work-from-home jobs because you can do them from anywhere in the world. Once you have some writing experience, you can find high-paying online jobs without investment as a freelance writer.
Keep in mind that becoming a freelance writer without experience is not as easy as it sounds. It can take a lot of hard work, practice, and patience on your part to find the best freelance content writing jobs.
The best way to go about it is to do some freelance writing courses to improve your writing skills and help you learn how to become a well-paid writer.
There are several freelance writing niches you can opt for, including:
- Online essay writing
- Freelance screenwriting
- Freelance copywriting
- Freelance resume writing
- Ghostwriting jobs
- Freelance blogging
- Copywriting jobs online
Even with these genuine online work-from-home jobs without investment in India, you’ll need to spend some time and effort learning how to break into the world of freelance writing and find online article writing jobs.
Some of the skills you’ll need to learn when looking for online writing jobs are how to get paid as a writer and keep clients happy in your freelance writing business.
3. Online Editing & Proofreading Jobs
If you have an excellent command of the language, an eye for detail, and are a Grammar Nazi, freelance editing jobs or freelance proofreading jobs are the best online jobs from home for you.
Editing work from home jobs or proofreading jobs is the perfect job for those who love to correct grammar, hate when authors use a comma splice, or make notes of spelling mistakes on a restaurant menu.
It takes a certain “eagle eye” ability to be good at proofreading, but you also need to learn how to use proofreading and editing tools. This online job without investment is easy to do from anywhere in the world, and if you’re good at it, you can build a regular clientele.
Even if you don’t make millions as an online editor or proofreader, you can make a very good living. You can find online editing or proofreading jobs on the Problogger Job Board.
4. Virtual Assistant Jobs
Another genuine online job without investment involves administrative and clerical support in the form of a virtual assistant. A VA handles routine stuff for small business owners who may not have the time or skills to handle these tasks.
It’s not easy to find well-paying virtual assistant jobs from home with no experience, such as work-at-home email jobs. Some virtual assistant jobs for beginners require basic skills in digital marketing, customer service, or administration.
You can find a list of virtual assistant services you can offer that people actually need and will pay for, such as technical or creative services.
If you love spending time on Pinterest, you can offer Pinterest management services, a highly coveted niche whose services are in demand by bloggers and business owners alike.
You can find several virtual assistant jobs on many top freelance websites. Browse the most-requested skills on sites offering VA jobs and see if you fit the profile.
5. Online Teaching Jobs
Because of the lockdown and growth of homeschooling in India, online tutoring jobs have become very popular and there are many online tutoring websites offering assistance to students in various subjects
If you have work experience as a teacher, work-from-home or home-based teaching jobs may be the best online teaching jobs for you. You can get part-time online teaching jobs from home helping kids with their homework over the internet by registering with online tutor apps and online teaching sites.
Online tutoring jobs for teachers are some of the most lucrative and satisfying online jobs without investment and you can earn $30 to $50 an hour as an online tutor, teaching college students or kids who really need help with their homework.
If you know math or science, you can find online math teaching jobs teaching subjects like math or online tutoring jobs teaching science. Or you can teach English in many online tutoring companies that offer your online teaching services to students in foreign countries.
If you’ve always dreamt of teaching and are interested in applying for online teaching jobs part-time but don’t know where to start, join the Glow & Lovely Careers community on the SHEROES app for women and attend free webinars on online tutoring to learn everything about being an online tutor.
6. Online Translator Jobs
Translator at-home jobs are also a genuine work-from-home job in India without investment for polyglot moms (who know multiple languages).
By choosing to work in the field of translation, you can even find your own freelance clients and get online jobs at home with legit companies in need of translators.
Several translation companies such as Translated, Universal Translation Services, and Day Translations will pay you for accurate, localized translations, interpretation services, and a wide variety of tailored language solutions for individuals, organizations, and businesses of all sizes.
Lingosaur is an online translation agency that requires you to pass their initial test, after which they will start emailing you job offers. You can accept or reject them, with no obligations.
After you accept a job, you download the documents, translate them, and upload the translations back to us. When the customer accepts the translation, they pay you via Paypal.
Hiresine.com pays an average of $10 to $30 per page (1200 words) for part-time and full-time Translators who demonstrate superlative language skills.
Translation projects include those that require translating a document from one language into another. This may include Spanish, French, Arab, Hindi, German, or any other language to or from English.
They also require that you have a good professional background in project management, an interest in learning new skills, and a stable home office environment.
Rev.com offers jobs for transcriptionists, captioners, and translators. You can work to transcribe audio and video, add captions and subtitles, and translate documents. Gengo and Proz are two more websites where you can register to become an online translator.
Getting freelance translator jobs and working as a translator from home is a great part-time online job without investment for stay-at-home moms.
7. Online Transcription Jobs
Transcription involves converting audio files to text by listening to the audio and typing it out. You don’t need any special equipment, except for a working computer, usually one with Google Chrome, and a reliable internet connection.
Being an excellent transcriber – one that actually gets hired for work from home jobs without investment – requires much more than the ability to listen and type.
Most remote transcription jobs require a basic knowledge of English, except for home-based medical transcription jobs and legal transcription jobs, which require specific knowledge and understanding of medical and legal terms.
For entry-level job seekers, remote transcription jobs are also a good way to earn money online without investment for students and can pay quite well, allowing you to earn money online without investment at your own time and pace.
Scribie.com’s audio/video transcription service pays $5 to USD 25 per audio hour and offers monthly bonuses and promotions. Rev.com hires transcriptionists to transcribe audio and video and add captions and subtitles.
TranscribeMe.com requires you to complete their training and exam course. All applicants who successfully pass the training course are contacted and will have paid work available to them.
Quicktate.com transcribes voicemail messages, memos, letters, legal files, medical files, recordings of phone calls, conference calls, and other audio files. They also audit, summarize, evaluate and analyze audio recordings and phone conversations.
Focus Forward pays compensation starting at $0.40 per audio minute with opportunities to participate in higher-paying assignments over time. To apply you need to complete a transcription test, and if you meet their quality guidelines, you can start accepting projects.
8. Online Data Entry & Typing Jobs From Home
If you have no real skills or qualifications, but can type on a computer, you can find online data entry jobs from home without investment. It doesn’t require much skill to earn money online without investment by typing jobs from home.
To find online data entry jobs without investment, all you need to have is a computer with an internet connection and the ability to type at least 10 words per minute.
However, there are many kinds of kind of data entry specializations for home-based data entry jobs, such as online form filling jobs, and you may have to specialize in one of them to find work-from-home typing jobs.
MARS by SHEROES is one of the return-to-work programs for Indian women that offers legitimate, part-time data entry jobs from home.
9. Work-From-Home Customer Service Jobs
Did you know you can do customer support jobs or customer service jobs from home? If you have all the tech requirements and excellent communication skills, you’re ready to take up a work from home customer service job.
Remote call centre jobs or customer service representative jobs are the best remote customer service careers for those with sales or customer service experience.
These work-from-home customer service jobs require few skills other than good communication and phone skills, and the ability to listen. If you specialize in a specific type of customer support, such as technical support, you may require specific skills or training that the client may provide.
The downside to customer support jobs is that you may not be able to control when you work and may not have as much flexibility as in other work-at-home jobs. MARS by SHEROES is one of the companies offering online customer engagement representative jobs from home.
10. Online Sales & Lead Generation Jobs
Online sales and lead-generation jobs involve some amount of cold-calling and trying to sell products or services to clients. It’s similar to what call-center agents do, but you can do it from anywhere and at your convenience.
You don’t need fancy degrees or certificates to be a home-based lead-generation executive or agent. What you do need are excellent communication and sales skills. Some more skills you need to develop are marketing, lead conversion, and closure.
As part of your home-based call center job, you may also be asked to develop, implement and execute strategic marketing plans for the company.
11. Online Bookkeeping Jobs
Do you have an accounting degree and have worked in the field of accounting entries, taxation, professional tax, finance, invoicing or payroll? Many companies are willing to hire you for online bookkeeping jobs and payroll work from home jobs without investment.
Most major job portals and remote work websites feature accounting jobs that you can do from anywhere in the world to process payroll, PF, ESI, income tax and file e-returns to various departments.
12. Online Recruiter Work-From-Home Jobs
If you have skills in recruitment, staffing, talent acquisition, hiring, sourcing, IT recruitment, non-IT recruitment, many companies will hire recruiter work-from-home jobs to source and recruit talent from anywhere.
A career in human resources management is focused on people skills – whether it’s recruiting and developing staff, overseeing strategy or managing the HR department.
If you want HR work from home jobs without investment, you must have a laptop and internet access and be able to devote at least 5 to 6 hrs a day to your work. You also need good communication and convincing skills and proficiency in programs like MS Word and MS Excel.
13. Graphic Design Online Jobs
Graphic design is one of the easiest skills to outsource online and companies regularly need graphic designers or illustrators to design their brochures, flyers, portals, website banners, posters, mailers, marketing collaterals, and outdoor communication.
If you have a fine arts background and are a creative person, you should consider getting into graphic design. For this, you’ll need excellent knowledge of graphic design tools and skills in Adobe Creative Suite.
Fiverr is one of the best websites to list your graphic design skills. You can take up graphic design online jobs such as logo and banner design, and get feedback and testimonials from small clients before going on to bigger tasks and clients.
14. Video Editing Jobs
Video editing jobs require specialized skills in using online video creation software. If you already have these skills, you can create professional productions for film, TV, and the Web and start offering your services on websites like Fiverr and Upwork.
Practice your skills on your own videos before offering to work for clients. You can use a simple video editing platform to create videos online and use the Fade To Black course to learn the proven, repeatable method of creating highly persuasive video scripts.
To promote your services, create a YouTube channel and upload the videos you have edited. Then add a link to your own website or Fiverr profile, your contact information, and a plug for your video editing services in the YouTube description field.
15. Website Development Jobs
If you have website design and development skills, this is another online job from home you can easily do with just a laptop and internet connection.
If you’re skillful and manage to create a great portfolio and get good client testimonials, you can earn a lot of money in website design.
You’ll need to have some knowledge of visual design, UX (user experience), Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, skills like HTML, CSS, Javascript, SEO (search engine optimization), marketing, and social media.
You’ll also need knowledge of WordPress and PHP. Some job boards for website designers include 99designs, Fiverr, Krop, Dribbble, and Coroflot.
16. Digital Marketing Jobs
With so many companies going online, digital marketing is one of the best online “work from home without investment” jobs. It requires expertise in eight domains — search engine optimization, social media, pay-per-click, conversion optimization, digital analytics, content, mobile, and email marketing.
Because digital marketing is such a vast field, it is impossible to specialize in every aspect of it, and most digital marketers usually specialize in one aspect of digital marketing, such as social media marketing, blogging, SEO, SEM, email marketing or influencer marketing.
If you want to learn digital marketing, you can do a free digital marketing course. But the best way to build your skills and credibility as a digital marketing consultant is to brand yourself online.
If you learn these skills, you won’t find it difficult to start a digital marketing career and find a digital marketing remote job or SEO work-from-home job as an online marketing specialist.
Grow your followers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram and use the latest digital marketing techniques to get the word out about your services.
If you do have some skills on, say, Instagram and have built up your own profile to 10s of thousands of engaged followers, you can position yourself as a social media manager or an Instagram expert and help clients grow their own following.
17. Digital Content Creator Jobs
According to LinkedIn’s top 15 in-demand jobs in 2021, demand for digital content creators grew 49% year-over-year, with the top job titles being Content Coordinator, Writing Consultant, Podcaster, and Blogger.
Despite often being tagged as digital marketers, digital content creators are not strictly marketers. They are more like artists or performers who understand the pulse of their audience.
Many social media influencers on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook would classify as digital content creators as they excel in creating useful and engaging content that their followers love.
As a digital content creator, you can either build your own personal brand with your content, earn money with affiliate marketing or brand collaborations and sponsorships, or become a digital content consultant and help small businesses build their brand.
To build a personal brand and stand out as a digital content creator, you should build your own website, start a blog, make videos, or record podcasts. This will help you get the best sponsorships and content collaborations with organizations.
18. Software Developer Jobs
Software development can be one of the best online jobs for stay-at-home moms with coding or programming knowledge and experience. Software developers can get international online jobs, as long as they can collaborate with the rest of their team on some tasks.
You can learn to code or develop your programming skills with online coding courses – from beginner to advanced level. If you want to become a Blockchain Developer, you’ll need to have experience with blockchain technologies such as Multichain, Ethereum, Solidity pro, React, Node, PostgreSQL , and Kubernetes.
Since most software developers specialize in one or more coding languages, you’ll have to search for online jobs that require your specific skills on sites like StackOverflow, TechMeAbroad, GitHub, Upwork, and Cryptocurrency Jobs.
19. Data Scientist & Data Analyst Jobs
Data analytics is the art and science of working with data to generate actionable insights. Data scientists work with all aspects of data – from data collection to analysis and reporting.
Data Scientists are currently in high demand with thousands of job openings per year. As a qualified Data Scientist, you can expect a starting salary in the range of INR 30K to 50K.
Data analyst jobs will only become more popular as Big Data and Machine Learning become ever more important to analyze the voluminous amounts of data that are being generated every minute.
According to data analyst Meghana Vyas, there will be a shortage of 2 lakh trained data analysts in India. So, studying Data Analytics is a good option if you’re planning to re-enter the job market and are willing to invest time and money in learning data science.
Data Scientist Renee Teate recommends that you first find a job or an online internship that allows you to gain the skills you need first. This will help you practice coding, data manipulation, and reporting tools, even if your job title isn’t Data Scientist.
If you’re interested in finding a data analyst job from home, see how Dr. Sandhya Kuruganti, an economist by training, redefined her success by becoming an independent analytics consultant.
20. Security Analyst Jobs
Security Analysts monitor and improve cybersecurity and prevent cyber attacks on private data in organizations. They are digital professionals who create and implement firewalls and cybersecurity systems to protect data and network infrastructures.
As a Security Analyst, you can work online as a freelance cybersecurity consultant for corporations or governments. You can do an ethical hacking course online if you want to get some credentials.
Some organisations may require you to be a graduate to hire you, but the fact is that many cybersecurity professionals are self-taught and hired for their skills and ability to get the job done, rather than for their degrees.
21. Work-From-Home Testing Jobs
Work from home testing jobs pays you to test future products and have the opportunity to improve them and impact the products of tomorrow with your opinion. You get paid to visit websites or apps, complete a set of tasks, and speak your thoughts aloud.
For a remote study, you’ll need Skype installed on a laptop or PC (not a tablet or smartphone). You’ll also need a reliable internet connection, a microphone and, if possible, a webcam.
Most test sessions take about 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the customer order and you’ll be paid within 5 to 10 days directly to your bank or PayPal account.
Other networks combine brands with consumers to give away products for honest, unbiased reviews. The best part is their members are allowed to keep any products that they receive to test.
Some work-from-home testing websites will pay you to be an online researcher or Search Engine Evaluator, conduct in-depth internet-based research and provide information evaluation for leading companies from around the globe.
As a student or engineer, work-from-home testing jobs are a great way to earn a few extra dollars on the side, but they won’t make you rich. The number of opportunities you receive will depend on several factors, such as your demographics and your quality rating.
There are many legitimate online jobs for women out there, but weeding out the scams can waste a lot of precious time and effort. It can be a time-consuming process to sort out the real online jobs on hundreds of online jobs portals offering online part-time jobs from home.
The Managed Remote Solutions (MARS) program by SHEROES helps highly qualified women with corporate work experience find legitimate remote work in various roles, including customer service, remote sales and lead generation jobs.
The SHEROES platform has created a remote workforce of highly skilled and highly qualified remote professionals who are eager to find remote work for women through the Managed Remote Solutions (MARS) program – one of the most trusted online work-from-home programs in India.
For 40-something moms returning to work after 10 years, MARS by SHEROES is the best way to find remote work from home with top companies in India through the SHEROES platform for women.
There’s no need to download a work-from-home app or an online jobs app. Just complete the MARS certification and become a MARS Partner so you’re qualified to apply for genuine jobs for housewives and stay-at-home moms.
.MARS By SHEROES certifies Indian women as MARS Certified Remote Professionals (MCRP) so they can find part-time or full-time remote work in India.
Start working remotely as a MARS Partner and realize your dreams of finding remote work from home for women in India.
3 Tips For Finding Online Jobs Without Investment
Many housewives and women in India are looking for daily payment online jobs without investment, but such jobs can be hard to come by and it can take a lot of effort to find legit online jobs.
Here are some tips for finding real online work from home jobs without investment:
1. Start with freelancing
Another option for finding home-based jobs without investment is to become a full-time freelancer or gig worker and get freelance jobs from home.
Many full-time gig or remote jobs offer online work from home jobs without investment on a proper schedule and provide health insurance, pension, vacation and other benefits, as in the case of a real job.
You can find freelance work for beginners and top professionals with this list of the best freelance websites for beginners.
2. Get organised
Learning how to work from home requires a considerable amount of initiative and effort. You may be required to invest in a few home office essentials, but working from home comes with many advantages.
You can set your own hours and schedule work according to your convenience, meaning you can schedule work around play dates, picking kids up from school, and other family schedule demands.
Working from home means you’ll have to motivate yourself to work every day, so it’s crucial to think carefully about what you want to spend each day doing and choose the best online jobs from home that you enjoy doing.
3. Learn new skills
If you want to find work-from-home jobs without investment, you should be willing to invest some time and effort in learning new skills. You can learn digital marketing online without paying course fees.
Find out which are the best new skills to learn for the future workplace, and how to enjoy upskilling and learning new skills for the future of work.
You can take a free career test to learn about careers that match your interests, try an online course to learn a new skill or improve your English, or create your own resume with the easy resume builder in the Glow & Lovely Career Community on SHEROES.
If you’re looking for free work from home jobs without investment, this list of online jobs for women in India should suffice to help you find full-time or part-time online jobs in India.
Download the SHEROES app for women and get the career guidance you need to find online jobs without investment or earn money from home with genuine, internet, part-time jobs from home.
About the author:
Priya Florence Shah is the Group Editor at SHEROES and author of Devi2Diva, an emotional self-care book for women.
Disclosure: This blog contains affiliate or sponsored links. For more information, read our disclosure.
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I need a form filling job
Navdeep, most of those jobs are scams. If you have some prior work experience, check out the remote work certification at MARS by SHEROES.
I can’t find any jobs work from homes you please call me no
Help me with work from home till now I spent all my money from this data entry only, now please help give me a good job without any register fee or any investment
Varsha, please do not post your phone number on a public forum. Do the MARS certification to apply for genuine remote work https://sheroes.com/mars/about
Hi I am Namrata Kulkarni, I am a post graduate in life sciences.. I am looking for a job opportunity, since I have some family commitments, I would like to work at home option. Please suggest me and help me out in finding suitable job for me.
Hi Namrata, I recommend that you check out our work from home opportunities here.
I’m a teacher completed my bachelors degree in education(B.ed), also i can type. I need a genuine website and work..can u please suggest some online jobs
Thank you
Sindhu, I recommend you check out the online tutoring information here https://naaree.com/online-tutoring-jobs-guide/
I’m looking home job for my mom. She is doing nothing.but she wants to work as a homejob.she is not very educated but understanding capability is very big. We all live in a small town so here is no any company’s here so that one can job in company. Is there any job for woman as home job. Please tell; also tell about writing script etc.type job on website or online.
Thank you
Dipak, please send the link below to your mother if she’s open to online tutoring jobs
Hi,I would like to work from, pls. let me know some genuine website details from where I can start my work without any investment.
Hi Sulakshna, you can read our article here
I would like to work online from home. I love writing article or copying.
Teresa, you can read our article on becoming a freelance writer