
8 Ways To Create A Beautiful Bedroom Experience

8 Ways To Create A Beautiful Bedroom Experience
SHEROES Work From Home Opportunities

By Karen Fagan

Imagine walking into a bedroom of beauty each evening – what a difference a good night’s sleep would make in your life, right? Feeling better, more productive and confident come as a result of sleeping well. How would walk into a bedroom of beauty change your life?

Did you know bringing your cell phone into your bedroom isn’t the best self-care habit and action to put yourself first? Now don’t get me wrong, I love my cell phone, but there is one place I will NOT have it and that is in the bedroom.

Do you bring your cellphone to your bed with you? Spending hours on end checking email and Facebooking while in bed only rob you of valuable sleep. You’ll be waking up to start the same cycle over again!

It’s like a habit that takes over and depletes us. Having your cell phone right next to you in bed –  is a big energy depleter (not to mention it really isn’t so romantic) – it blocks the energy we need to take care of ourselves and decreased our sense of well-being and feel good energy.

Truthfully – when we are in bed with our cell phone, we are unable to nourish our body and mind with quality sleep. We become sleep deprived, a sure way to lessen the quality of our life.

Lack of sleep can negatively affect our well-being; create a lack of focus, an inability to make a decision, as well as making us feel vulnerable, irritable and less confident.

Before you read this week’s article – I encourage you, beginning tonight, if you must bring your phone into your bedroom, plug it in across the room – away from your bed – and put it on silent mode!

Allow yourself to have this new experience this week – it will make a huge difference in your life. Here are “8 Ways to Create a Beautiful Bedroom Experience

1. Make your bedroom a sanctuary.

Be sure it’s comfortable and soul-nurturing for rest. Does your bedroom make you feel calm and relaxed? If not, remove any clutter, put soft light bulbs to create lighting that is relaxed and soothing, and check your shades to ensure they are blocking the light out. Add an eye mask if needed.

2. Add soothing scents and music to your room; like the sound of the ocean or nature music.

This will allow you to get into a state of relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep. Put on soothing lotion before bed and warm up a botanical body wrap to relax your muscles.

3. Don’t settle for anything less than a super comfortable bed.

Upgrade your sheets, pillow and comforter if needed. Check in with your mattress: How long have you had it? If you haven’t changed your mattress in 7 years, it’s time to get a new one. You will go into a deeper sleep and for longer periods of time by upgrading your bedding. This will leave you feeling more energized when you awake.

4. Change your bedding more frequently.

Although this might sound strange, you will be surprised at what a difference this will make and how your body will respond to new fresh sheets. Give yourself the gift of high thread cotton sheets, silk or soft cosy flannel. Think warm, comfort, and more comfort.

5. Remove anything that is over-stimulating like your computer, ditch the cell phone or TV (anything electronic).

6. Take a bath with Epsom’s salt before bed. 

I do this at least twice a week, and it makes such a huge difference. Epsom’s salt relaxes your muscles and soothes tension.

7. Create a nighttime ritual.

Choose your bed time and become consistent with this time.  Allow yourself a nighttime ritual. Some women struggle to wash their face and brush their teeth at night because they don’t have a consistent bed time and end up falling asleep on the couch.

Decide the right time for you and plan your evening so you are in bed by this time. Keep a Gratitude journal by your bed and write four things you are grateful for every evening.

8. Avoid caffeine, sugar and anything stimulating several hours before going to bed. Have a warm cup of caffeine free herbal tea instead.

You deserve the best night’s sleep. Enjoy the process of creating your bedroom in a way to make it feel most comfortable and relaxing to you.

© Karen Fagan is an international empowerment coach, motivational speaker and writer. Her mission is to empower women, teach them to live on purpose and achieve amazing results in their life.  Karen believes when a woman claims her voice not only does she transform her life, she makes better decisions for herself, her family and her business.

Karen is a Master Certified Life Coach.  She has studied and trained with the best in the industry such as New York Times bestselling author Dr. Martha Beck, PhD. She believes in contributing to global change and donates a percentage of her program profits to women and girls philanthropy.

Karen Fagan, International, offers dynamic coaching programs and products. She will teach you to claim your personal power to transform your life, motivate and inspire you with her unique mix of wisdom, fun, warm-hearted humor and laser-focus.

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