
Why Where You Live Has Nothing To Do With How Much You Earn

Why Where You Live Has Nothing To Do With How Much You Earn
SHEROES Work From Home Opportunities

It doesn’t matter where you live. Thanks to the internet, there is no lack of opportunity or limit to your earnings today. There is only a lack of imagination.

Unless you live on another planet (if Elon has his way, we very well might be doing that soon) or on a certain island in the Indian ocean, and have never heard of the internet, where you live no longer has anything to do with how much you earn.

This is all thanks to an amazing invention called the internet. It’s connected people in small towns and villages to resources on the other side of the world.

Many of our readers and subscribers live in small towns and remote areas in India, and they still have Wifi and internet connections. The internet has given us access to people and opportunities all over the world.

Your next business partner, mentor, or coach is now just a click away. No matter what you sell or what skills you have, you can find something to help you earn money online.

  • There are bloggers and marketers making over a million dollars a year.
  • There are teachers who are making more tutoring students online than they ever made in their careers.
  • There are work-from-home moms teaching other people how to work from home.
  • There are freelancers of all kinds saying goodbye to the 9 to 5 lifestyle.
  • There are life coaches helping people transform their lives from the comfort of home.

There is no lack of opportunity. There is only a lack of imagination.

There is no lack of opportunity. There is only a lack of imagination. ~ @PriyaFlorence

Why Where You Live Has Nothing To Do With How Much You Earn

Today, living in a certain country or region is no longer an excuse for not reaching your earning potential. The only thing stopping you from doing that is yourself.

If you have a job, here are some statistics that will make you sit up and realize just how fragile your job security is. In the near future, digital, robotics, and AI will lead to job losses of about 5 million.

Men will get one new job out of the three jobs they lose; women, on the other hand, will get only one job out of the five jobs they are losing. Research by BBVA says that by 2030, individuals will cease to have permanent jobs and there will be an increased rise of freelancers.

Depending on industry and geography, between one-half and two-thirds of companies are likely to turn to external contractors, temporary staff, and freelancers to address their skills gaps.

The workplace has changed, and to stay ahead you’ll need to master skills that you probably didn’t learn in college.

Being successful means setting yourself apart, and you’ll need a personal brand that defines who you are and who you want to become. That means building a reputation, trust, and a following online.

By 2022 9% of the Indian workforce will be in new jobs which do not exist today. 37% would be in jobs that will radically change skill sets.

Entrepreneurs will include new mothers who want more time at home and 75% more females than males prefer working from home.

This is the age of the remote worker, the gig economy, the online entrepreneur, the freelancer, the digital nomad.  And many of them are making fortunes online.

So what’s your excuse? Lack of skills or money is not an excuse when you can learn practically any skill for less than $10 online.

Lack of customers is not an excuse when you can advertise on Facebook and potentially reach millions of customers overnight.

Whether you want a work-from-home job or are willing to learn new skills and build a business, what you need to make money from home is the right mindset, a goal, and a plan to help you achieve it.

Once you have that, it’s all up to you.

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MARS By SHEROES certifies Indian women as MARS Certified Remote Professionals (MCRP) so they can find part-time or full-time remote work in India.

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About the author:

Priya Florence Shah is the Group Editor at SHEROES and author of Devi2Diva, an emotional self-care book for women.

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Why Where You Live Has Nothing To Do With How Much You Earn

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