Success is a combination of thinking right and doing right, according to Sarika Bhattacharyya of BizDivas. Here are her 10 best success secrets for women entrepreneurs.
1. Be optimistic
2. Avoid Big Mistakes
• No cost to low cost – Use social media liked Facebook, twitter etc to drive your business.
• It is a proven fact that entrepreneurs are today driving economies. Why? We are able to think fast on our feet, we can make changes as needed when we see the markets change. During recession in 2008, it was “dinosaur” companies suffered the most as they tend to move slowly.
• Bring in flexibility in our working style. Maintain a work life balance.
• Never design your lifestyle around your work, instead design business around your lifestyle. Then work becomes your passion.
• Turn your passion into profits. Purpose of business is actually to make profits and not make it a “Secret Hobby”.
• Provide products ir services which audience really “WANTS”. Wants are bigger than needs…trust me we indulge more in wants than needs.
3. Good business model.
Business model needs to be efficient and self sufficient. Cost to Income ratio needs to work in your favour.
4. Learn to embrace risks.
• Get out of your comfort zone.
• Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
5. Stay out of fear – Stay in faith.
• Have faith in yourself. Believe in yourself
• Grow as far as your greatest fear.
• Your biggest fear makes you uncomfortable to be able to reach that big success. Success we seek will only come when we move through the fear.
6. Get inspired.
Learn from inspiring people and surround yourself with people who are there where you want to be.
• Invest in training, education, coaching – Invest in yourself.
• You are the average of five people who surround you the most.
• Master mind: Having a group of successful entrepreneurs with who you would learn and share.
7. Stay on your path.
Not everyone will support your success. Don’t get distracted by criticism. Holding back hurts no one but you.
8. Time management.
Time: we all have 24 hours but how one utilizes it is what makes one rich.
9. Brand yourself.
Marketing yourself is more important than mastery of your skills.
• There are many masters of your trade better than you but are not commercially successful because people don’t know them.
• If you don’t know how to get word around you wont be able to get clients.
• Important to understand how lead generation from offline and online prospects can be converted to buyers and then to repeat buyers.
10. Plan ahead.
Make decisions not from where you are but where you want to be.
Sarika Bhattacharyya, Founder of Biz Divas and Altavis has over 12 years of experience in Financial Services industry having worked with firms such as Merrill Lynch and ICICI Bank in the field of investment banking and wealth management. She is passionate about entrepreneurship development and believes in financial independence for every woman. She lives in Gurgaon with her husband and 5 year old son. She can be reached at
Sarika, your site link has an extra character "i". Great article!
Ooops!!! Thanks Jessie for pointing out my typo error. It is The site is being upgraded for better view for our members and would be ready by March 15th. Thanks a lot.
Thanks a ton for liking the article. I quit my "corporate job" couple of years back and now pursuing my passion of helping women entrepreneurs and professionals to achieve their true potential. Please visit to read more articles on Business and professional topics.
Sarika, we are great fans of yours and follow your announcements with great interest.
Love point number 10- a lot. Always the best choice. Sounds like Einsteins "you can not solve a problem from the same thinking plane the problem was created"
I love this advice…"Never design your lifestyle around your work, instead design business around your lifestyle. Then work becomes your passion." I've done that for the past 25 years and my work is my passion. I love designing custom personalized gifts at
That is awesome, Catherine! Very inspiring to know you have been doing it for so long.