Remember when Simi Garewal came to be known as the “Lady In White” on her show, Rendezvous with Simi Garewal? Her signature white clothes may cried out for a little colour, but definitely got talked about.
Everyone has that one colour they favor. Simi’s signature color may have been white, but whether your preferred colour is the one that was your favorite since you were little, or just a hue that looks fabulous with your hair colour and skin tone, consider creating this shade your signature.
Whatever the colour, make sure that it goes well with your skin tone, eye color, and hair color before you make the decision to call this particular hue your signature colour.
No one wants a signature colour you are unable to wear due to it clashing with your natural appearance. Also, know when you limit using your signature color, because it can quickly turn from clever and classy to quirky and tacky.
It is not necessary for you to dress head to toe in your signature colour. Instead, consider using your signature colour in the following ways:
Creating Your Signature
Once you have determined what colour will be used as your signature, work to incorporate this color into your wardrobe. Again, not everything in your closet needs to be of your specific signature hue.
Consider using this colour as an accent to the neutral tones that should dominate your closet, including black, white, ivory, brown, gray, and navy. Use your signature color in unique pops in all aspect of your wardrobe and your surroundings.
Use Your Signature Colour In Your Home To Express Your Real Self
In addition to using your signature colour to accentuate your wardrobe, also use this favored color to accentuate you home. Whether you paint an accent wall in this great hue, choose a rug with your favorite color, use decorator pillows in your shade of choice, or incorporate towels of this colour into your design, your signature color can work in your home the same way it can work in your wardrobe.
Accessorizing With Personal Flair
Consider using your signature color in a few poignant accessories incorporated into your wardrobe. Consider purchasing a brooch or faux flower corsage in your favorite shade to affix to your jacket lapel, sweater, or shirt.
Look into purchasing a fantastic pair of shoes in your signature color as a unique pop that will benefit any wardrobe. Include a killer purse in your favorite hue that is sure to complement any item in your closet.
Use a scarf with your signature colour or choose to incorporate a pretty ribbon into your hairstyle, serve as a belt, or even be used as a choker!