Loving Yourself, Celebrating Your Successes
May 2, 2018
Success! You did it. But how long did you celebrate for? If your success was forgotten overnight, the chances are your next one will be too.
10 Abusive Behaviour Signs: What Is Abusive Behaviour In A Relationship?
April 24, 2017
What are the early warning signs of abusive behaviour in a relationship? Here are 10 abusive behaviour red flags to watch for, especially in Indian families.
Why You Should Say NO At Work
February 6, 2017
Tired of saying yes to everything? These tips will help you through the process of saying 'no' and reap the benefits of making such a decision.
Women Achievers: Never Apologise for Your Success
July 9, 2015
One of the things I advocate in my book, Step Into Your Feminine Power, is that women achievers stop apologising for their success and achievements.
Stop Being Nice, Be Authentic (Or The Curse Of The ‘Nice’ Girl)
March 7, 2012
Assertiveness is one skill that every woman must learn if she wants to be able to express her emotions in an authentic and non-harmful way.
Business Etiquette Tips: Hosting A High Tea
January 15, 2012
A high tea is generally hosted in the afternoons or any hour of the day accompanied with some tea and light snacks. It can be casual or formal.
7 Brilliant And Easy Ways To Better Your Life Starting Today
December 18, 2011
To make the changes you need to better your life, ask yourself where to begin. Here are 7 brilliant and easy ideas to better your life starting today.
3 Ways To Grow Your Confidence (Tip: You Already Have It)
November 17, 2011
Confidence is something we all have, but it can get knocked by unexpected changes, conflict, and setbacks. Want to know how to grow your confidence? Here are 3 ways to do it.
Leadership Talent Transmission: Mentoring Women Leaders For Business
October 11, 2011
Focusing on leadership talent transmission and succession management leads to lower attrition and continuity in business when senior leaders call it a day.
Three Authentic Voices: Three Keys to Authentic Success
August 28, 2011
Authenticity can be a challenge for entrepreneurs when you don’t trust yourself or believe that you can be who you are, do what you love AND be successful.