Career Women
10 Mistakes At Work That Women Make (And How To Fix Them)
November 8, 2016
Why do some women succeed in the workplace and others don’t? Here are the 10 most common leadership and management mistakes at work that women tend to make.
Workplace Sexual Harassment in India: How to Deal with It
October 19, 2016
Naaree interviewed Advocate Garima Srivastava to learn about workplace sexual harassment in India and how women can deal with it and fight it.
Are Indian Working Women ‘Leaning In’ To Their Careers?
October 3, 2016
In families where the woman is the sole earner, or families where they have higher salaries than their male counterpart, they tend to lean in more.
Book Extract: This Unquiet Land by Barkha Dutt
August 8, 2016
Growing up as a journalist’s daughter, I watched my mother, Prabha Dutt, wrestle every single day of her working life with gender-driven preconceptions.
Naina Lal Kidwai’s Six Keys To Success: An Extract From Her Book, 30 Women In Power
July 12, 2016
In 30 Women in Power, Naina Lal Kidwai highlights success stories of women leaders in India who have led large organizations. Read an extract here.
6 Easy Office Hairstyles For Long Hair
April 6, 2016
Bad hair day and have to rush to work? These office hairstyles for long hair will help you get ahead of those bad hair days or when you’re in a big hurry.
Hillary Clinton: Inspirational Leader And Astute Politician
October 8, 2015
Hillary Clinton is an inspirational leader and astute politician who has lived her life in the public glare. Read about her life story here.
Padmasree Warrior: Technologist And Woman Business Leader
September 2, 2015
Padmasree Warrior is the former Chief Technology & Strategy Officer (CTO) of Cisco Systems and a woman achiever par excellence.
10 Inspiring Women In Indian Cinema
August 27, 2015
In the last century and this one, Bollywood has produced several show-stopping actresses. Here is a list of 10 inspiring women in Indian cinema.
The Complete Beginners Guide To Foreign Jobs For Women
March 28, 2013
As a woman, would you want to take up foreign jobs and take your career international? Here are some excellent reasons to consider overseas jobs.